Superior Streams

Superior Streams is a collaborative effort undertaken by concerned individuals, government departments, university researchers and non-governmental organizations to monitor, maintain, and restore streams along the North shore of Lake Superior. The goal is to better understand ecosystem health and conditions along the North Shore of Lake Superior and to inform potential restoration activities in order to preserve and reclaim wildlife and fish habitat impacted by human activity.

Field work for the initial stage of the Superior Streams project was performed during the summer and early fall, 2015. The results were used to develop a more robust assessment protocol to apply to an additional 113 sites along 49 streams during the summer of 2016.

Superior Streams Assessment Sites

Building upon preceding studies and rehabilitation work along the North Shore in the vicinity of Thunder Bay, the Superior Streams project partners are investigating stream and watershed characteristics, including: riverbed substrate, bank stability, water chemistry, riparian vegetation, local land use and land cover, in-stream vegetation, fish habitat and cover, and barriers to fish movement.